Probate Law

Many times, when a loved one passes away, they will leave behind an estate that must be probated.  This process involves navigating through the probate court.  The type of assets and the overall size of the estate determines how to proceed as well as how long the process can take.  Additionally, a state estate tax return must be filed for each estate.  Then on top of that there are frequently creditor or state claims against the estate or beneficiary which must be addressed.  And what about the estate assets?  How are they to  be handled during probate and when can they be distributed to the beneficiaries?  Are they jointly owned with a survivor and if so, who really owns them?  This can all be very confusing to the family and comes at a time when most people are still grieving the loss of a loved one.  We represent clients and estates in the local probate courts and are familiar with the different nuances of the local courts.  We know how to handle the different types of estates and can lessen your burden of trying to do it on your own.

The Law Office of Wendell D. Avery
 (860) 851-9419 •All Rights Reserved•2020